Hot Paris

Roses that are red and pink have unique characteristics about them. Whereas red is a color of passion and romance, pink can have softer implications of innocence and purity. With sumptuous and impressive blooms, so bright they nearly glow, Hot Paris is amongst the most flawlessly luscious of pink roses. It is hard to resist these vibrant beauties!

Color: Cerise
Type: Single Head per Stem
Average Bud Size: Medium
Scent: None
Sensitivity: Normal
Estimated Vase Life: Average
Average Opening Rate: Slow
Farm: Rosaprima, Ecuador

Average bud size definition:
Single Head per Stem - Large (Up to 10cm), Medium (Up to 6cm), Small (Up to 4cm)
Multi Head per Stem - Large (Up to 5cm), Medium (Up to 3cm), Small (Up to 1.5cm)

Estimated vase life definition:
Short - 1 to 3 days; Average - 3 to 5 days; Long - Up to 7 days. Please note that vase life is also dependent on care and handling of the roses and their environment.

Estimated opening rate definition:
Fast - within 0 to 1.5 days; Slower - at least 2 to 3 days

*Packed specifically for wholesale distribution by the grower (with leaves and thorns present). Due to volatile air freight conditions, buyers should account for a minimum of one stem per bunch spoilage on purchase. Conditioning is necessary upon receiving. Read our purchase terms.

Type: ST Standard